Russell Westbrook, Jamal Murray, & the Top Denver Nuggets storylines

The Denver Nuggets have an interesting season ahead of them, full of compelling storylines. Can Nikola Jokic win his 4th MVP? Will Russell Westbrook bring a leadership that the team needs? And how will Christian Braun fit in the starting lineup?

Adam Mares shares his thoughts on all of that and more on the Locked On Nuggets podcast.

  1. I can already see those line ups…Jokic+Westrbrook+MPJ/Stratwer+CB+AG….1 guy glued to the one shooter the Nuggets have…4 guys just sitting in paint going: Jokic shoots like sh*t lately, let's see if it is still true, honestly, if Jokic wasn't a GOAT master mind, this would be a lottery line up…and we have lot of them like this…with zero shooting

  2. When talking about CB taking more 3s, do you think he needs to replace the number of 3s KCP took last season? Take a little less, the same or more?

  3. Jokic hustles big time down the court everytime and now with Russ matching that hustle we can exploit that 5280 again. Is that Doug Moe smiling.

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