The comment with most upvotes wins, any player on Raptores history can be selected and a player can win more than one category!

  1. I think it is Tracy McGrady

    He wasn’t that impressive as a Raptor and did almost everything outside Toronto

  2. TMac fits, didn’t do much when he was here; sadly didn’t get the chance too. I’d like to say Rudy Gay, I was a Grizzlies fan during that time and was happy as that they traded him lmao I remember the city was amped we got him. 2 games in the city realized as a collective that Rudy was a bum lmao no what he might be the worst Rap ever, him or Dragic

    Long lame story short, I say Tmac

  3. most overrated, Bargnani, Mike James, Bruno (at the time)

    hon: Jalen Rose because i paid for his jersey

  4. Personally for me it was Joey Graham. He looked like fucking LeBron James. I had so much hope for him. But he had none of the talent or basketball intelligence.

  5. I hate to say it because I love him. OG Anunoby. He was always injured. Didn’t even play one playoff game during the title run. Most of his time as a starter, the team was horrible.

  6. It’s Rudy Gay.

    E: based on interpretation of the term overrated I think Demar might be the right answer

  7. This is potentially going to be a hot take…

    Chris Bosh.

    – You have to be highly (or at least decently) rated in order to be overrated
    – We never won a playoff series while Bosh was here (rosters weren’t great but still)
    – I could argue Bosh had great individual stats here but they were kind of empty stats because who else was supposed to get the usage?
    – Bosh left (via sign and trade at his request) after 7 seasons
    – Bosh was third option on Miami and his stats took a big dive when he got there

    Demar, in comparison, was here 9 seasons, didn’t want to get traded, and we went to the ECF despite all the chatter about Lebronto and Trash Bros.

    In conclusion – Bosh was a good player for us but he is ultimately overrated due to being the best on a bad team and doesn’t belong in the top tier of Raptors.

  8. Demar Derozan.

    To be overrated you have to be rated by a large portion of the fan base. No one rates Rudy Gay or Demarre Carroll.

    I love Demar. He’s a great person and fantastic teammate. But the fact remains that he wasn’t a winning player in the playoffs while he was here.

    He was an important player for us in the regular season, but consistently disappeared in the playoffs. He has by far the [worst career playoff plus-minus in NBA history]( His TS% is bad and his defense was targeted. One of the most memorable runs in that time was when he benched in Game 3 against the Cavs in 2017; our defense and effort was suddenly shockingly good.

    I love the dude, but no other Raptor player has a bigger gap between reputation and winning impact.

  9. Tracy McGrady, without a doubt. Always listed as a great Raptor. Was a role player off the bench for 3 years and left.

  10. DeMar DeRozan is most overrated.

    He was good enough to be an all star but not good enough to show up when it mattered. I loved the guy but let’s be honest with ourselves, Kyle was the real engine of those teams and without him, we wouldn’t have been nearly as successful. I also know I’m going to get hate but guys like Bargnani and Carroll were never good enough to even be rated, I want to choose someone who was actually rated as a player.

  11. DeMar. Considering some name him as a top 2 Raptor, it’s Demar IMO. This fanbase falls in love fast but usually comes around. DeMar will forever receive some of the Lowry/Ujiri glow. Good player, but with glaring glaring holes and shortcomings.

  12. Maybe controversial but Lou Will. The bench was way better the following years when it was by committee and not Lou Will iso ball. Also didn’t do anything in the playoffs that 6 man year either

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