I stumbled across the full 3 minute "End of Beginnings" montage on Twitter. Figured it might be appreciated here.

  1. So many cool edits and everything from this season. I think the Hard Knocks crew did a great job with our boys!

  2. This ending was perfect. The song, Bagent hyping up Calebs throw, the shots of the city, Liev saying there’s hope in Chicago, Flus introducing himself to the new PS guys with his 3 rules, “Go Rome Go!”, Caleb hyping himself up, the cut to black when he says “let’s get after it” and takes the deep breath. Gah, I’ve watched it like 8 or 9 times. Can’t wait for Sunday!

  3. And they didn’t grab a typical over played Chicago song, the song they picked went perfect for the ending 🐻⬇️

  4. I don’t get it. This is so very… mid. This looks and sounds like a bad montage for a 90s high school graduation party. It’s kind of embarrassing.

    Why is every clip of this so bad?

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