Cubs (75-70) @ Dodgers (86-59)

First Pitch: 9:10 PM at Dodger Stadium

CubsJordan Wicks (2-3, 4.03 ERA)MARQWSCR, WRTO (ES)
DodgersBobby Miller (2-4, 7.79 ERA)SNLA570, KTNQ (ES)
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Line Score – Pre-Game


Box Score

Posted at 6:10 PM. Updates start at game time.

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  1. Chance to finish the season series 5-1 against the Dodgers. A sweep in LA would feel pretty nice too…

  2. [Justin Steele threw a bullpen today, Craig Counsell said. He’s scheduled for another this weekend in Colorado.
    “This is like five days of straight good good news, which is encouraging,” Counsell said, emphasizing that it’s a day-to-day process.

    [Porter Hodge was checked out by a Dodgers team doctor last night after experiencing a racing heart in the 9th inning when he was able to stay in to finish game once it calmed down.
    Counsell said Hodge checked out well, no after-effects or concerns: “Normal, good to go.”

  3. I already marked the series as a “W” on my office wall chart, so whatever happens tonight is gravy. Watery, flavorless, non-October gravy, but still.

  4. I have fallen asleep before first pitch both nights and woke up to a W. I shall be hitting the hay soon

  5. Fell asleep before the first game. Made it halfway through the second game. I’m ready to watch this entire game, let’s hope we do well! 

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