They Want War

  1. I’ll say it again and just take my downvotes. This is a really pathetic thing to get upset about. The Avs have never used the Yeti name or iconography in their history.

    “bUt HOwlEr…”

    Howler, and by extension the foot logo, was introduced as a Sasquatch by the team. The fans in all their infinite wisdom dubbed it the Yeti foot. Every reference to it as a Yeti Foot is an unofficial source. Even the merch for sale on [Altitude Authentics]( refer to it as the “Retro Foot Logo”.

    Also, they’re not going to use the foot logo. Thats still ours. Get over it.

  2. It doesn’t matter as long as we treat them like the little brother they are when we play head to head.

  3. As an Avs fan that lives in Utah, I just wish they came up with a better name for my 2nd team. Yeti is kinda lame, Canyons would have been cool, swarm cause it’s the beehive state. So many better ideas than the yeti

  4. You know what? I’m for it.

    If Utah wants to be the Yeti and step up into a abominal snowman mountain-based rivalry with us, let’s do it. Rivalries are great. It could be fun!

    Let’s bring our yeti foot back in some manner, while we’re at it. Like, I wouldn’t mind seeing a proper 90’s Starter-era throwback set at some point. We had the yeti first and I’d like to see it again.

  5. Utah Gila Monsters

    Utah Horned Lizards

    Utah Kangaroo Rats

    Utah Sidewinders

    Utah Roadrunners

    Utah Great Basin Rattlesnakes

    Utah Screech Owls

    Utah Wild Turkeys

    We don’t need another mythical beast in the singular team. The Kraken just came out. Yeti would be stupid and silly. Who would take that seriously?

    Utah has so many badass desert animals. That are real. And live in Utah.

    They should embrace a bit of that Coyote desert history.

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