[Heat] Miami Heat release statement expressing support for the Haitian community and condemning “false narratives surrounding them”.

  1. Pretty disgusting stuff and Vance even admitted yesterday they made the whole thing up just to scare people about immigrants

  2. Shitty situation they have to deal with because racists choose to make up lies to rile up other racists

  3. Good on the heat to address this

    It’s so crazy how this is a thing and the guy who made up that stupid narrative totally has a chance to be president again …

  4. Nice statement to put out considering no one was probably expecting the Heat to make one. Xenophobia has been a major issue since I have been alive, but in the last four years even some talking heads initially positioned as being more pro-immigrant are spreading propaganda against vulnerable migrant communities.

  5. [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/haitian-immigrants-fueled-springfields-growth-now-us-presidential-debate-2024-09-11/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/haitian-immigrants-fueled-springfields-growth-now-us-presidential-debate-2024-09-11/)

    i would like to just say that while yes, the stories surrounding the hatians eating cats is a racist lie, the impact the hatian immigration has had on the local population is nothing to be scoffed at

    time and time again with these stories, there is a need that is not being met. then a bunch of immigrants move in to that area. the government makes extra sure to give them the support they need to adapt to life in america. i think this part is great. they need the support.

    but this narrative completely ignores the hardships that the people of springfield ohio have had to deal with since the arrival of the hatians.

    the local people of springfield should have received supplementary support to help offset the impacts of immigration programs.

    at the heart of these problems are people that feel ignored. they are poor, beaten down, and already struggling. then a bunch of new people move in, which makes life even harder for them. they complain and they are labeled as racists.

    and redditors wonder why people are voting trump…

  6. This thread will get locked in an hour cause too many posters here are on the opposite side lol

  7. I’m always bewildered by how people can easily fall for such obvious propaganda. I even got real friends thinking this shit is an actual issue. Politicians just casually demonized an entire ethnicity and now the people have to deal with it.

  8. One of, if not the largest, Haitian population in the US reside in S. Florida. Good on the Heat for putting this message out.

  9. Nice statement, definitely better than the last time The Miami Heat came out in support of a country…

  10. >First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a socialist.

    >Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a trade unionist.

    >Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew.

    >Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.

    -Confession of German pastor Martin Niemöller 1946

    If you’re someone willing to look the other way because they’re “hurting the right people” I suggest you listen to history

  11. I’ve seen enough stuff come out in the last week to know that it’s not all just made up shit that is being talked about. Granted, not certain about the “they’re eating the dogs” part, but there’s definitely some weird shit going on.

  12. It’s his constant pushing of a narrative that darker skinned immigrants are subhuman that is incredibly dangerous

  13. It should go without saying, but I reject any concept of physical threats or other nonsense.

    That said, sadly, Haiti is such a poor country that eating literal cookies made from dirt is a thing.

    Citation: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mud_cookie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mud_cookie)

    A country that poor isn’t developing a culture of eating almost anything that moves? Why is it controversial to point that out?

  14. Some people in some other subs were all “OMG NO politics!”

    Fuck that shit.

    Just because a politician said it doesn’t mean it is off limits.

    If someone out there is so desperate as to believe this kinda freaky hate mongering BS that they get upset to see someone call BS on it … **that’s on them**.

  15. The stupidity of the pet thing is that there actually is a real issue in Springfield.

    It’s a town of just less than 60k that has had 15-20k Haitian refugees move there just in the last five years.

    The fact that they’re Haitian doesn’t really matter, nor does the fact that they’re refugees really matter — there isn’t a community this size in the country that could handle the influx of that many people in that short a timeframe.

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