Don’t mind me, just bringin’ some positivity to this sub.
byu/Scottstark1210 inpanthers

  1. Mans made me love the game again. Win or lose, I was always ready to ride or die with Cam. Oh the glory.

  2. Someone mentioned that he is on the dolphins practice squad. If the dolphins were to sign him, I’d become a dolphin fans

  3. Man I’m loving all this nostalgia yall are dumping in here lately. What an amazing era for the Panthers. I still can’t believe how many of our own fans hated Cam. We didn’t deserve him, and I hate that we never gave him proper weapons after GETTING RID OF AGENT 89. FUUUUUUUCK!

  4. Bad management is one thing but the way Cam got let go is something I’ll really never forgive Tepper for.

    And I’ll never forgive Rivera for running him (& CMC) into the dirt trying to save his job

  5. Cam will forever be my favorite player of all time, not just on the Panthers.

    It pained me as a Gamecock to cheer him on as Auburn’s QB…but I was giddy when the Panthers drafted him.

    Good times.

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