Blue Jays (73-80) @ Rays (75-78)

First Pitch: 6:50 PM at Tropicana Field

Blue JaysJosé Berríos (16-9, 3.44 ERA)SportsnetSN590
RaysTyler Alexander (6-5, 5.58 ERA)BSSUNWDAE, WQBN/1300 (ES)
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Line Score – Pre-Game


Box Score

Posted at 3:50 PM. Updates start at game time.

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  1. If this week was a ballpark it would be the Trop.

    Oh look we’re playing in the Trop tonight. How fitting.

    TGIF friends 🫠

  2. Need a big win today. If we don’t do anything else this season, I want to overtake these guys for not-last.

  3. Queenluni and I are on out way home (perfectly timed for baseball) and we treated ourselves to *pumpkin spice milkshakes*. Friends, they are *soooo* freaking good! Like you should consider flying to Alberta and going to Peter’s for them good.

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