Ottawa Senators at Toronto Leafs

Scotiabank Arena

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  1. The derangement levels are way too high in here for just 20 minutes into the first game of the pre-season

    There’s 6-8 months to go. Pace yourselves.

  2. Yeah what were the good things that period? Not much Woll looked good right really the goal was just poor coverage.

  3. for anyone considering spending $200 on preseason tickets: OHL tickets are like $20, go to those instead

  4. Some amazing saves from Woll so far, and PK is looking good. Reffing is horrendous as usual. Looking forward to watching Murray in net next period!

  5. I don’t think anyone wants the Leafs to fail more than “fans” who show up to preseason game 1 threads to start their seasonal dooming as early as possible, get a grip lmao

  6. It’s almost impressive how much the Leafs have trained these guys to not say anything while they talk

  7. There’s really not much story going into this season. It’s just Marner won’t talk contract, Cowan doesn’t have a chance to make the team and Patches feels healthy. Even Matthews being a Captain isn’t that big of a deal to anyone.

  8. what the fuck is this Marner puff piece? “tell us a fun fact about Marner”

    I guess MLSE really wants the fans to like Marner more so we don’t riot when he re-signs for $13m

  9. I don’t know if I hate the dickhead controlling the stream and flipping the god damn channel every 30 seconds or how they played this first period more. But holy fuck, the combination.

  10. “Mitch, you said weren’t going to talk about contracts when the puck drops. So let’s talk about contracts…”

  11. I love Mitch, I really do, but the testimonials of what a great guy he is starting to get tiresome.

  12. God this team is really trying to sell us on how good marner is to brace for the 13 millions he’s about to get

  13. I’m loving the static dasherboards. No animated or constant advertisement flipping around. Can we keep it.

  14. Get ready. The media is going to gas Marner up to jack up his value all year. Testimonials from teammates, profiles, talking about him playing with Crosby/Mackinnon (two of the best players of all-time and winners) internationally. Here we go.

  15. Such a shame how much he changed from when he first got to Toronto. He really surrounded himself with people that did him no favors.

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