RAVENS OFFENSE STREAM – WK 3 EXPLOSION VS COWBOYS #ravens #ravensflock #baltimoreravens #nfl

Live Stream to talk about the important plays from the Ravens 1st Half Offensive performance.

  1. Our screen game was so porous and cringy, I remember reading Mike Preston’s articles remark sarcastically when the Ravens ran a successful screen play. 😂 great to know we’ve righted the ship on that score. It was quite a weapon when Ray Rice was RB.

  2. Thanks for this. Would love a video on your general opinion of this team. Watched Bengals vs Commanders last night and couldn't help feeling the whole time that both teams would beat the Ravens. Maybe I'm just crazy fearful.

  3. The running plays not going to work like that against the bills. It needs to be balanced with passing and running. Dallas run defense sucks. You can’t take the game from Lamar. He the key not Henry

  4. I agree coach when they have trips one one side with back opposite of Lamar and the trips is the most dangerous.
    They ran it one time and if Lamar would have kept it it would have been a huge gain

  5. Loved that style of video.. I try to never miss your breakdown. Did you do a video showing where we went wrong In the fourth quarter. I think we're blaming the defense but if the offense could get a few first Downs Some of those forth quarter collapses

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