[Media Day] Like Kobe, you’ve always been kind of public enemy one in the Denver

  1. I wonder if Russ even understood the implications of what the reporter was saying. Like to compare Denver’s hate for Russ to denvers hate towards Kobe is insane.

  2. Like Kobe, Russ always plays hard and doesn’t back down. You know that prime Kobe was always looking to penetrate and would not be denied, and Russ modeled his game after that.

  3. Reporter should be fired. Reminds me of the guy who Mike Tyson almost knocked out on live TV for calling him a rapist while he was doing daytime tv interview for a charity event.

  4. Understand that when Kobe is called a rapist, it’s out of respect for his basketball ability.

    E: Guys just because somebody thought this was literal doesn’t mean I was being literal jfc

  5. “Do you think you can helicopter into Denver and force the rest of the West to submit for another championship?”

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