[Bailey] A Twins fan with a “Defund the Pohlads” sign alleges he was kicked out and banned for a year from Target Field

  1. But the “X Days since Buxton played CF” guy is fine?

    He had to have done something more than pick on Mr Pohlad…

  2. There were some fed up dudes you could hear in the stands on the radio broadcast last night. Pretty obvious fans are the opposite of happy right now.

  3. This obviously sucks, FTP.

    But as an aside, are these stadium bans ever actually enforced? I guess you could ban their email from buying tickets, but what’s to stop them just getting in via a friend? Are the ushers actually patrolling with their mugshot or something?

  4. Yeah, I feel like there’s more we’re not getting. Like make the guy was belligerent, or being rude to other fans, or tried to smuggle illegal stuff in… you don’t just get banned for a year for a sign, there’s something more going on.

  5. Of course because the Pohlads got their feelings hurt. On a positive note, he won’t have to pay to witness more probable payrolls cuts and crappy play next season.

  6. Dude fuuuuuck the pohlads if this is legit, which seems like it is based on the video. I will bring “sell the team” signs to any games to go to next season.

  7. How can they ban someone ? They don’t own the fucking stadium, tax payers paid for this stadium, fuck these scumbag owners

  8. That’s my sign! Yes I got kicked out and they tried to arrest me. On top of that they banned me for 1yr. FUCK THE POHLAD’S!!!

  9. The Poorlads should be grateful that there are some people that still care enough to protest the team ownership. That means the protesters still care about the Twins.

  10. Been living in Georgia the past 10 years and stayed a Twins fan. Think I might just start following the Braves now, at least they care about putting together a winning team.

  11. Poverty Pohlads should be ashamed, yet they make us citizens pay for *their* stadium, to ban us if we protest, crazy.

  12. I was sitting in 104 and saw this sign on the big screen! I yelled DEFUND THE POHLADS as loud as I possibly could. I might bring a SELL THE TEAM sign to the game tomorrow.

  13. Saw him after the 8th near the Sid statue where police were giving him a trespass violation, was kicked out fr, getting hassled while being ticketed

  14. Steisand effect. Kicking the person out and banning them for a year is giving the content of the sign more attention. The Pohlads are dweebs.

  15. Contact the local media about this.

    Every time I see a story about a complaint going to the local media investigation reporters, to no one’s surprise they generally get resolved.

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