Former Padre Blake Snell declines Giants option to officially enter free agency

Blake Snell will be available again this offseason but do you think the Padres can bring him back?

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  1. Iโ€™d be surprised if he didnโ€™t come here. We need a top lefty starter. They can work out the pay, if needed do something like the Dodgers did with Ohtani, delay much of the pay, and AJ likes options.

  2. Like always this delusional kid padres are no contender๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ they can hardly make the playoffs always fighting for a wild card spot ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  3. Not interested, let him be some other teams headache. Let other fans try to figure out why he isn't worth his money in the first half of ANY season. Look at his age, if he wants to come to San Diego it has to be at an extreme San Diego discount and that won't happen he wants another payday. You want to pitch for 10 million? Okay, otherwise that money could be spent for two more arms instead of his half a season. By all means let's blow all our money on him and neglect left field, The bench, The bullpen and more starters.

  4. LOL Padres canโ€™t even afford to keep the stars that they have, what makes you think theyโ€™re gonna go add new ones? The only way the Padres add new stars is if they decide to trade the two Prospect they have left in the organization for an arbitration player like Crochet

  5. Wrong he will be far more valuable this off-season because now heโ€™s done it multiple years in a row. Something he had never done before. In the past he would always have a really good year followed by multiple bad years

  6. We need to invest money in best in class analytics, player development, health and nutrition, mental health resources, advanced scouting, and research and development. There is more to being a winning franchise than handing out big contracts and making headlines because of splashy trades. Quality over quantity.

  7. Waddup LA FAM!!! As soon as I clicked the video I paused it I didn't want to listen to this little female talk lol … just wanted to know If my LA peeps love parade and loved the gathering at DODGERS STADIUM …The Famous Words of Ice Cube "TODAY WAS A GOOD DAY" LOL …. LOS ANGELES CITY OF THE WORLD CHAMPION DODGERSSSSSSS!!!!!!!

    Something ya'll don't know about LMFAOOO.. 56 years and counting ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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