Watching this made me sad, wish it would’ve worked out better for Daniel. Beyond time for both parties to move on. Always a class act!

  1. God I want nothing but the best for him. He’s a great guy and I really hope he can revive his career elsewhere. I’ll always be rooting for him, this breaks my heart.

  2. Release him so he can sign and compete somewhere else — he deserves that.

    Instead of holding him hostage and having him play scout team safety???

    Fuck off Schoen and Daboll.

  3. Yikes that was rough. One thing about him is he never blamed anyone else, never threw anyone under the bus and always took responsibility. Hopefully he has a chance to succeed elsewhere.

  4. I’m so over all the sympathy for this guy. Yeah it sucks but you know what else sucks, LOSING. And the giants have done THE MOST LOSING IN THE LEAGUE since this guy took over at QB. It’s not like it’s been out of his control, he had the ball in his hands and has had every opportunity to showcase that he is the guy. Guy played scared and didn’t make throws when he needed to, and turned the ball over in the most backbreaking humiliating ways. Take the $100+ million and move on

  5. Jones didn’t bust because of his attitude or lack of work ethic.

    Best of luck becoming the next Taysom Hill fan favorite somewhere

  6. Money isn’t everything but he got paid.
    If he signed a contract for pennies, I would truly feel sorry for him. But he’s set for life.

    I feel bad for the person though, he seems like a really good guy. I hope he bounces back in the league. And with the Giants luck, he probably will have a career game against them.

  7. Wish him the best. Wanted it to work out bad so it would be hilarious that everyone booed him when he got drafted and he ends up being a franchise QB but didn’t work out though. It was never his fault he got over drafted.

  8. Lol’ing at all these supportive comments when this sub has been absolutely torching him all season 😂

    But he’s a good dude and from what it sounds like, he owns the locker room. I can’t say that it’s common to see such a poor quarterback get so much public love/respect from his team after being benched for their horrendous qb play 🤷🏽‍♂️

    I hope he just takes his money and retires. Anywhere he goes he’s going to get destroyed by fans and media. Save yourself from all that torment and sail off into the sunset

  9. This video really shows why there has been rumblings coming out of the locker room over his benching, even though it is obviously the right move.

    And I actually see the locker room rumblings as a sign that the locker room is not an issue. We have 2 wins and clearly the players have each other’s backs anyway.

    DJ is really likable which is why I think some of us kept supporting him as long as possible, he is a New York Giant and I’ll back anyone wearing our jersey.

  10. i wish daniel had been even an average quarterback. im glad hes a no drama good guy but that is demonstrably not whats going to get us to the super bowl.

  11. Dude deserved better than what we gave him for sure. I feel like if you played his career over but he was drafted by the Steelers or Bucs or something he would’ve collected a few pro bowls by now.

  12. He’s financially set, so now he should go to a new team that has a chance to win. Don’t go somewhere just to get killed behind another bad line–go to where you have a chance to win. Where are his best landing spots?

  13. Jesus Christ guys. You’re acting like you lost a family member or something. He’s a paid professional who ultimately accomplished nothing wearing this team’s uniform. There’s zero reason for sentimentality.

  14. Anyone else hear a **blood curdling scream**?! lol??? Like 2/3rds in?!? What the actual fuck?!

  15. I have no doubt he tried his best but sometimes your best isn’t enough. I’m glad he’s set for life financially because he’s top-tier in character and deserves it.

  16. I talked a lot of shit about DJ as a QB but damn, I’m sad to watch this. He’s always been a good dude and I wish him the best of luck wherever he goes next. It’s a shame it didn’t work out with him.

  17. Thank you DJ! I always had your back but management and the fanbase needed a scapegoat. Thanks for taking the bullet for this franchise that I begrudgingly love and support.

  18. Gotta say, it’s tough to see this go down, he is the perfect QB outside of performance, the performance is most important though.

    I truly believe that this would have played out differently if we gave him more time with Shurmur.

    I hope he succeeds outside of the division and realizes his potential.

  19. I pray our next qb has the effort level and maturity of dj. Ball out in the cfl or at the la rams training camp king.

  20. I hope he balls out somewhere (not the Commies, Cowgirls or shitbirds). I routed for this guy from day 1 and I hope that he is able to find a new home. He is a class act and wish him nothing but success in the future.

  21. Man is a Giant through and through. He didn’t play well, I get it, but he stayed accountable for that.

    I’ll miss him, and I won’t. But damn it if I’m not rooting for him wherever he ends up 110 fucking percent. Go on and kill it out there Danny.

  22. He obviously cares about football and not just money. He’s been through hell here and yea he’s had many chances but none of them were exactly set up for him to succeed, some were set up for complete failure. He’s come up short despite his best efforts, that’s gonna hurt and clearly does despite whatever money he’s made. Not sure why it’s so hard for some of you to feel bad for the guy. It’s just “he got paid” and “but he sucks”. Ok. He’s still a person who’s given his absolute all for a team we love. I thank him for that, regardless of the outcome. The only players I’ll ever talk badly about are ones who lack effort, accountability, work ethic, teamwork, or morals. If you come here and do your best to help the team succeed then I’m a fan. It hasn’t worked out for him unfortunately. But kicking a man when he’s down, especially a man who’s shown himself to be a respectful and hard working person, really shows the character of anyone who’s doing it. It’s embarrassing and shameful, and shows what kind of values you have as a human

  23. Always seemed to be a decent guy, I wish him the best.

    I certainly don’t feel bad for him though, most people never even come close to sniffing their dreams; he did, but like many other dreamers, he found out that he’s simply not good enough.

    Yet, unlike most others, he got paid handsomely to figure that out.

    Onward and Upward, G-Men.

  24. Dude has a superstar demeanor…but sadly didn’t come close to that in terms of on-field talent.

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