If I had a nickel for every time am AFCW team wearing navy unis with white helmets played an AFCN team on MNF, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice
Ooo. Purty.
I thought we were hitting the throwbacks
These uniforms just look better and better as we win
With blue or white pants?
Love the navy. Just wish it could be paired with the navy helmet. Still will be cool.
Ugh wish we could wear white helmets with our orange or white personally.
Blue on blue would be better too
Just personal preference though
Still ass
cannnnnot wait.
I’m such a sucker for a white helmet.
Pumped! I hope the NFL relaxes the uni rules a bit and allows us to wear blue helmet and blue jersey next year.
I love the navy jerseys. On the fence about the white helmets, but I don’t hate ’em.
That shit looks fire! Can’t wait to down the Browns!
I can only be so erect
Why we using our RB3.5 to display it?
Are we wearing a unique combination of uniform in every game this season between the jersey, pants, helmet and throwbacks? Seems like every game weβre wearing something different
I still say this whole uniform set would be fixed if they stopped using this super powdery dark blue. Go back to a lighter style.
1st time right?
If I had a nickel for every time am AFCW team wearing navy unis with white helmets played an AFCN team on MNF, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice
Ooo. Purty.
I thought we were hitting the throwbacks
These uniforms just look better and better as we win
With blue or white pants?
Love the navy. Just wish it could be paired with the navy helmet. Still will be cool.
Ugh wish we could wear white helmets with our orange or white personally.
Blue on blue would be better too
Just personal preference though
Still ass
cannnnnot wait.
I’m such a sucker for a white helmet.
Pumped! I hope the NFL relaxes the uni rules a bit and allows us to wear blue helmet and blue jersey next year.
I love the navy jerseys. On the fence about the white helmets, but I don’t hate ’em.
That shit looks fire! Can’t wait to down the Browns!
I can only be so erect
Why we using our RB3.5 to display it?
Are we wearing a unique combination of uniform in every game this season between the jersey, pants, helmet and throwbacks? Seems like every game weβre wearing something different
I still say this whole uniform set would be fixed if they stopped using this super powdery dark blue. Go back to a lighter style.
Hate how boring the blue looks