I’ve seen a lot of opinions within the fanbase about how many wins we have atp in the season. I really don’t understand the negativity around it. We have a young team, giving top teams a run for their money every night and we’re doing it with a rookie head coach. We’re not going to make the play-in and with the way draft odds have been adjusted, having the worst record doesn’t even guarantee a top 2 pick. I’m tired of the pessimism I feel like we all just need to take a chill pill and enjoy the future ahead of us.

  1. Seeing the Nets play makes your day happy KAKAKAKA, even though you know you can’t trust this team

  2. right? there’s like 63 games still left in the season. people have to relax. the tank is still on, enjoy some wins while we get them

  3. Rooting for losses is weird IMO.

    And the way the east is going… they can make the play in

    It honestly wouldn’t be bad if they did. It’ll give the young guys some experience and confidence going forward.

  4. I just don’t think these wins really mean anything right now. CJ, Dennis, and DFS probably don’t have a future on this team regardless of how well we do.

    Wins are great, but the only way this team is going to have a future is if the guys we pick in 2025 and 2026 turn out to be stars. I don’t want to look back at this .500 or so start and view it as the reason we missed out on one of the best draft classes ever.

  5. It’s one thing to see the draft upside in inevitable losses, but it’s a whole other thing to root for losses. Winning is always more fun and this squad plays hungry.

  6. The weirdest part is people tuning in to watch games, hoping they lose, and complaining when they do well. Bro, what are you watching the games for lol come back in a few years if this isn’t for u


  7. Feels like so many teams this year are just awful and you have to try to be worse than them. I would not want to watch that type of basketball and am glad the Nets don’t do that.

  8. I hate this fucking dog.

    As for the season, they’re trading everybody in the next few months, and they’ll probably lose 50 games in a row once both Cams, DS, DFS and Claxton are out the door. We’ll be plenty bad.

  9. Jordi is just too good. He tried to lose that game and just couldn’t. Just look at the line up to close that warriors game out

  10. Everyone’s gotta trust the frozen envelope. We deserve a high pick. We also deserve a young star that wants our cap space. And we will get this. Just trust Jordi, Sean and Joe Tsai

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