I actually can’t stand this garbage franchise they would be a consistent 33 win team without the biggest free throw discrepancy I’ve ever seen over a multi year sample

There’s a reason there always like 18th in net rating most of their close games they win are completely contrived, the league isn’t even subtle about it

  1. We have 3 free throw attempts btw and shai has 1 damn near 3/4s through the game… like yeah im sure the 26th best defensive in the league is really capable of this has nothing to do with outside factors

    Edit: discrepancy is now 5-16, gabe Vincent has only 1 less free throw attempts then SGA

    2nd edit: fuck the lakers this fucking poverty franchise can’t win even with a free throw discrepancy. Never hated watching a team more in my entire life this game took 2 years off my life

  2. Like I understand a bit of a free throw disparity with how we’re playing defense, but this is bonkers.

  3. Big 6’8 6’9 and 6’10 forwards that like to drive into the paint are getting free throws vs small team that plays aggressive help defense.

    Who would’ve thought

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