Ran into everyone’s favorite GM outside the practice facility today. What do you think I told him (Wrong answers only)

Ran into everyone’s favorite GM outside the practice facility today. What do you think I told him (Wrong answers only)

  1. Aw man you should’ve asked him how much are his life time season tickets while on the job?

  2. “You’re doing a great job my man. Totally deserved the contract extension. BTW, I wouldn’t have moved Russ this summer either”

  3. How was he I really wanna know if he seemed smart or arrogant or dumb cause he’s got me fucked up rn w this team

  4. hey man you look like the bad guy from Wayne’s World. Also, were you in Parks and Rec??

  5. “Thanks for panic-trading our championship roster for a $47 million dollar egotistical has-been, Rob!”

  6. “Has anyone told you look exactly like… like … shit, I can’t remember his name …”

    “Rob Lowe, yeah I get that a lo…”

    “No no no, I just remembered, a terrible GM.”

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