What an interesting IG story from Dame (context on the next pic)

What an interesting IG story from Dame (context on the next pic)

  1. We are about one more week away from Dame giving Chris Haynes THAT interview

  2. “This all started with the high profile players that wanted out of the teams my overrated dad coached.”

  3. Rivers himself has literally refused to report to a team and gotten bought out as a result

  4. What a moron. Had a bench spot locked up after he trashed Paul Pierce, then goes and says this. Like father like son with vomiting opinions to the media

  5. I saw a post in r/NBA pointing out his hypocrisy by mentioning how Austin Rivers refused to join Phoenix Suns in the past, and top comments were like “lol of course it’s a Heat fan posting this. They’re so entitled”.

    r/NBA is down bad right now😂 do not go over there if you have a Heat flair

  6. Austin is a bum. Had a chance to make a name for HIMSELF and he failed. He’ll forever be in Daddy’s footsteps.


  7. As a blazers fan, I still love rewatching g5 when Dame did whatever he wanted to Rivers for like an hour straight.

  8. if all of this leaves a jimmy-sized chip on his shoulder by the time he gets here, it’s a finals season

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