Your weekly /r/newyorkislanders roundup for the week of March 16 – March 22, 2024

Saturday, March 16 – Friday, March 22, 2024

Top videos

scorecommentstitle & link
131 commentsButch Goring Remembers New York Islanders 1980's Dynasty, Mike Bossy Greatness & Facing Gordie Howe (Video Interview)
04 commentsNew York Islanders Turnovers


Game thread comments

73/u/LPK94 said The last fucking thing I want to do is watch another second of Isles hockey this season…. See you all Saturday
66/u/TradeBrockNelson said at least baseball seas……ahahaha i'm a mets fan fuck my life
66/u/starscream568 said Back to back losses against Buffalo and Ottawa… fucking bruuuutal
60/u/AlCool44 said This is just classic Islanders though, looks like the season is over, so they rattle off six wins and get back in the wild card. Then they shit the bed for four in row to sit right outside. They’ll pr…
58/u/FioMonstercat said “At least we got a point” – Official motto of the 2023-24 season
47/u/JoeBenigno said You know they’ll pick up points in their next few to make you think they have a chance to make the playoffs. They don’t. Rooting for this team is a punishment
44/u/PhantomWang said Doomer country, let's ride
42/u/JoeBenigno said This is a system roster built for a system they no longer play. It’s gonna be a while until they’re competitive again.
41/u/liguy181 said I am not happy that "at least they got the point" The only thing to look forward to tomorrow is Brendan Burke calling the game on TNT
36/u/BoYlE6991 said The team has so many multiyear NTC contracts you can't even blow it up. I hope Roy stays, I hope Lou goes. Pain.


Top Remaining Posts

scorecommentstitle & link
927 commentsHow high will it go?
7624 commentsAnd so it goes…
624 commentsTook a cool picture of ubs arena from a flight today.
555 commentsWhen you realize we have another back to back coming up
538 commentsjust about right 🤣
5312 commentsJust rewatched The Wolf of Wall Street and noticed an Islanders jersey in the background.
5030 commentsStop it – Kids aren't getting pulled up. We aren't going to go for a lotto pick.
4716 commentsHorrible weekend


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    #####Please let me know if you have suggestions to make this roundup better for /r/newyorkislanders or if there are other subreddits that you think I should post in. I can search for posts based off keywords in the title, URL and flair – sorted by upvotes, # of comments, or awards. And I can also find the top comments overall or in specific threads.

  2. Anyone notice people start an argument… have the last word, then block the other person so they can’t reply and everyone thinks they’ve won the argument?

    Because I notice it a lot.. and it is weak and cowardly lol

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