[We did it. The worst Caleb Williams take.] @dhookstead Caleb Williams isn’t “just a kid.” He’s an adult man fair to criticize.

[We did it. The worst Caleb Williams take.] @dhookstead Caleb Williams isn’t “just a kid.” He’s an adult man fair to criticize.

  1. If Caleb Willliams is such a great prospect why doesn’t he have cripppling PTSD and a distrust of Japanese people

  2. I saw this and another tweet where someone was like “he’s older than a lot of the guys that invaded Normandy on D-Day and watched their brothers die, they didn’t paint their nails.” Like ok I’m not sure how that proves your point lol if anything you’re just reinforcing the idea that these men went through those things at far too young of an age 

  3. Dumb sports take aside they were just kids David, and the things they went through were pretty fucking awful

  4. Look through his tweets. None of his other beliefs would surprise you. He’s a walking stereotype

  5. Man as soon as he brought up his grandpa fighting I turned it off. I think the whole situation is best solved by just ignoring the criticism. That’s what Caleb Williams is doing right now and there’s no reason for people to sit here and argue about stupid shit like him painting his nails… I mean 99.9% of people saying that stuff wouldn’t say it to his face so what’s the point in arguing online with jerkmate69 who gets 10 likes for being a troll

  6. Love how he is using WWII veterans (who fought for us to have the right to live how we want) as a reason to make Caleb conform to his way of life.

  7. Whenever I see something from Outkick I think of how physically hard it would be to try to kick Whitlock. Imagine trying to move that boulder.

  8. It’s one of those people that give themselves valor because one of their relatives actually served. I never heard anyone defend the painted nails or crying because he’s a “kid” either. It’s mostly just people wondering why people like the ones in this video are so obsessed with those things.

  9. I agree with him on the point that athletes should not be shielded from criticism.

    But what the fuck does all that shit he was talking about have to do with Caleb Williams painting his nails? ***Can somebody please explain to me why anybody cares if someone else paints their nails?***

  10. Don’t give attention to this ragebait content. Ideally we remove crap like this. Whole industry is getting Chicago market clicks for BS

  11. “My grandfather didn’t kill Nazis so Caleb Williams could hold onto the ball too long and paint his nails!”

  12. As a vet, I love it when people use their ‘friends and family’s’ (it is never them) veteran status to swing around like a heavyweight gotcha point to some random ass argument. Just makes them look like a complete fucking idiot.

  13. This is some weird shit. Couldn’t even make it a minute thru the video. What did the kid even do to upset people?

  14. If you don’t have anything better to hang your own hat on than what your Grandpa accomplished 80 years ago, maybe you should just keep your trap shut.

    Guys like this couldn’t make it through 5 minutes in Caleb’s world. Put this guy in for a few snaps to take hits from guys that are 6’5 and 300 lbs and see how long it would take for him to fold. Caleb might have painted nails but he’s still a million times tougher than you’ll ever be dude. Dennis Rodman painted his nails and was an absolute badass.

  15. Man, I bet this guy was insufferable in college (I get real Shapiro vibes from him).

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